The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, a scientific organization composed of concerned scientists worldwide, are issuing an urgent call for more health and safety protections against EMF hazards. The Venice Resolution was initially signed by forty-seven scientists, each who are in the forefront of their respective professional disciplines in conducting research on electromagnetic fields and health. The scientists state that recent epidemiological evidence on adverse effects of EMF is stronger than before and, they take exception to the claim of the wireless communication industry that there is no credible scientific evidence to conclude there a risk.
The scientists call for biologically based standards to be developed that would take various physiological conditions into consideration, e.g., pregnancy, newborns, children, and elderly people. The emerging health condition, known as electro-hypersensitivity, now estimated to affect 2% of the world’s population, that can cause functional impairment, loss of worker productivity and increased national health care expenditures, is pointed to as an example of harm that needs further investigation.
For the past several years, the entire world has been transformed by the new information age that increasingly relies upon wireless communications for voice, data, and media transmissions. However, in spite of the clear economic and social benefits these technological innovations offer, government and industry has yet to provide the assurances, through independent sustained research programs, that wireless technologies, are safe. EMF energy is emitted during electrical transmission and distribution, by electrical appliances, by radio and television broadcasts, cellular transmissions, wireless internet access and more.
The signators to the Venice Resolution believe that exposure to even weak fields emitted by these technologies can affect biological systems, Prof. Livio Guiliani, ICEMS Spokesman, who also serves as Deputy Director for a unit of ISPESL, the Italian Health Ministry’s worker safety and protection program, stated, Fundamentally, our research shows that non-thermal EMF biointeractions have been proven both for extremely low frequency fields (ELF) and high frequency fields. These outcomes are not negligible, and require EMF risk assessment, also to protect against potential EMF hazards related to future developments in medical diagnostics and therapeutics.
As a precautionary measure, the scientists recommend lowered EMF exposure standards and advise that children and teenagers limit use cell phones or other wireless devices.
The International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety is a not-for-profit group of concerned scientists.